The Da Vinci Edit

Welcome back guys, so we shot every video footage that we needed, last time. Today, I edited it, and next time I will assemble everything. Before the editing process, I wanted to trim and set up the audio so that it’s ready. But, on CapCut it’s difficult to upload and trim a song, so I had to download it from YouTube and edit it, on my gallery, to be about a minute and fifteen seconds long. This time, I genuinely wanted to edit the project better, so I watched some YouTube videos on various editing methods and other related topics. Since I didn't do as much editing with the last project, I really wanted it to turn out better. I started by going through the clips and choosing what I wanted to modify. To ensure that the images blended together smoothly and looked good throughout the entire video, I used CapCut to change the hue, saturation, contrast, and brightness of each part. It took several tries to get everything to line up because each video was different. Since some of the shots are meant to be in the dark, I experimented with different settings and decreased the brightness to achieve the desired look. I had a lot of stuff to trim and crop. I made every shot last about seven or eight seconds. To make each video look good and flow together, I also cropped the frame to the same size for all of them. I wanted to add some inserts and visuals. I have made the decision to create an investigation board over the alleged "kidnapping," which I will include in the video, but as a picture. I realized after editing that I had failed to zoom in and out of a few of the sequences, so I fixed it. When I exported it, I chose the same quality that I selected for the other scene. I'm going to ask friends for feedback soon, and the next time, I'll make any necessary changes. I also decided to make the credit scene. I gave credit to the song's author as well as every person that appeared in the video. I didn't do any transitions or piece it together because I didn't have time but next time I will. Stay tuned for my next blog where I’ll unravel even more mysteries about making a music video. Trust me; you won't want to miss it.


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