Ad Anarchy and Control

Welcome back guys, it's time to complete some of the last steps in creating this ad. The pictures, the music, the videos, and the credits were all completed when we last left off. All that remains is for me to edit the recently shot video and piece together the whole thing. For the video, again, as always, I'm playing about with the saturation, highlights, exposure, contrast, and other settings. During the editing, sometimes it was either way too light or way too dark, I’m hoping it gives off a deep theme. Now, it's actually time to build the commercial, by using CapCut. I put all of my previously edited pictures, videos, and music into a folder when I was done with them to make it easier to collect. I collected all of the audio, video, and photos. I opened CapCut and began editing. I had to pair the footage with my idea, so it took a while. Some clips were edited, while others were trimmed. I removed the bad parts of the clip. I also added transitions, like fades and jump cuts, between scenes. Then, I adjusted the brightness, color correction and grading, contrast, saturation, and color temperature to certain parts of the footage. I darkened certain areas and added additional effects. I added the music and a few of the song's lyrics. After days of editing, the commercial was complete. I'm going to ask some people for their opinions, so I might make some more changes. Stay tuned for my next blog where I’ll unravel even more mysteries about creating a commercial. Trust me; you won't want to miss it.


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