Genre Research: Enola Homes
Welcome back guys, finally, I'll be exploring Harry Bradbeer’s film "Enola Homes". Camera Angles Movements and Shots: Low Angles High Angles Tracking Shots Wide Shots Close-Ups Long Sots Zoom Eye Level Shots Medium Close-Up Mis-En-Scene: Character Wardrobe Naturalistic Lighting Naturalistic Makeup Period-Specific Props Period Set Design Editing: Jump Cuts Inserts Shot/Reverse Shots Sound: Score Suspenseful Soundtrack Especially in the chase moments, I enjoy how the tracking shots are used during the action scenes. During investigation scenes, Enola's intelligence and drive are revealed through close-ups of her face. I also like the Victorian England set because it provides some historical detail to the plot. But since Mycroft Holmes is portrayed as an antagonist, I don't like the way he acts. His performance, in my opinion, could have been more strongly emotional. Stay tuned for my next blog where I’ll unravel even m...