Genre Research: Enola Homes
Welcome back guys, finally, I'll be exploring Harry Bradbeer’s film "Enola Homes".
Camera Angles Movements and Shots:
- Low Angles
- High Angles
- Tracking Shots
- Wide Shots
- Close-Ups
- Long Sots
- Zoom
- Eye Level Shots
- Medium Close-Up
- Character Wardrobe
- Naturalistic Lighting
- Naturalistic Makeup
- Period-Specific Props
- Period Set Design
- Jump Cuts
- Inserts
- Shot/Reverse Shots
- Score
- Suspenseful Soundtrack
Especially in the chase moments, I enjoy how the tracking
shots are used during the action scenes. During investigation scenes, Enola's
intelligence and drive are revealed through close-ups of her face. I also like
the Victorian England set because it provides some historical detail to
the plot. But since Mycroft Holmes is portrayed as an antagonist, I don't like
the way he acts. His performance, in my opinion, could have been more strongly
emotional. Stay tuned for my next blog where I’ll unravel even more mysteries
about making an opening scenes video. Trust me; you won't want to miss it.
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