Genre Decision

Welcome back guys now let's decide the special genre. Each one of the genres had advantages and disadvantages. Regarding conventions, each one had a variety of distinct sounds, mis-en-scenes, camera angles, movements, and shots. However, I noticed that the editing in each and every one of them was a little limited. Though each genre has something unique and appealing about it, I believe the mystery genre would go best with my idea. When I was first brainstorming the idea, I was thinking about mysteries, and how to make it interesting. And, I believe that the mystery genre will allow me to carry out my idea more successfully than any other because of its conventions. The suspense, surprising twists, and the puzzle of the plot of mystery genres, in my opinion, will highlight my project. Stay tuned for my next blog where I’ll unravel even more mysteries about making an opening scenes video. Trust me; you won't want to miss it.


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