One Man Show

Welcome back guys, yes, I know, I’ve taken a little bit of a break, but that’s because everything fell apart over the weekend. Well not everything, but just some parts. So basically, my kinda bailed on me. What happen what that we were planning to film somewhere in a park or somewhere else. I would help them; they would help me with all of the acting and camera work. But they had an emergency so they couldn’t do it anymore, nor could they do it the next week. I guess it isn’t their fault, but I was a little bit mad, not at them per say, but at the whole situation. I was panicking, again, but I decided to just do a sort of one man show, because it would be the easiest in my current situation. So that’s what I did, I filmed the bulk of the project over the weekend, and I was every single character. And yes, it looks weird and embarrassing, but that what I get for not filming on my trip. Everything which usually happens when I film, happened. I set up all of the different places where I had to film and I got the costumes ready. I moved the camera around, did some high and low angles, some close-up shots and more. It was kinda hard to do this by myself, but I was able to manage. I took multiple takes of each scene and chose the best one. Honestly, I wouldn’t be shocked if someone mistakenly took this for a comedy, instead of a mystery film. But in the end, I’m glad it’s over with. Also, I had to re-film one of the scenes because one of my friends told me that it looked weird because of something in the background. So, that’s it for the most part, next time I will edit everything and talk about my song. Stay tuned for my next blog where I’ll unravel even more mysteries about making an opening scenes video. Trust me; you won't want to miss it.


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