The Reel Deal

Welcome back guys, when I last left off, I had just finished the images. Now I'm moving on to the videos. I would like my commercial to last for about a minute. I need to edit the video, shorten it, and crop some parts off. I only have two videos so far. It doesn't matter right now, but I wonder whether I should get more. I must make both videos shorter. I want the five seconds leading up to me being slammed to be captured in the commercial. And I only want around 10 to 15 seconds of the video of me signing. As a result, I again played with the settings for exposure, highlights, contrast, saturation, and other elements. And I'm cutting some things out of the videos. I want to arrange the clips in a way that seems normal. It was challenging since I wanted the outcome to be good, but I pushed through even though I wanted to give up. Honestly, even after all of this, I'm still a little confused, and after looking at my friend's project, I kinda no longer like my original idea and would like to change it. But I'd rather improve it than change everything. I'm going to look at some commercials for inspiration as inspiration. As I said before, I want an ending credit scene. I will probably be the only person receiving credit. I'm going to stop for the day because I have other things to do. Stay tuned for my next blog where I’ll unravel even more mysteries about creating a commercial. Trust me; you won't want to miss it.


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