Crisis Mode Activated

Welcome back guys, I am really, very much panicking. All I want to do is to run down the street waving my hands, screaming, like a crazy man. I can’t go to the University of Florida trip because there aren’t enough spots, and I said that it’s fine if I don’t go since I can just find another set. So now I have to use my plan B, but I wasn’t expecting to use plan B, so my plan B isn’t fully formed. And the set isn’t really the problem, it’s more so having to get other people to be in my video. Why did I work alone, I feel so dumb. You know I said I was not going to procrastinate, but I can deal with this issue tomorrow. I'm going to start filming the video to distract myself from a certain problem. As you can see, I have no real plans, so these will just be the simple shots to add rather than the main shots. For this shoot, I used the clip of Michael thinking about Emily thinking about Emily. I wanted to create the impression that the scene is moving through time, I want there to be several clips that swiftly transition into one another. I recorded with my phone since I recorded myself on the bed using the same method, I used during my last project. Yes, I was careful this time and ensured the phone didn’t fall on or hurt me. To make my bed appear organized, I also tidied it up. The process of filming went smoothly. I chose ten distinct times between the day and night to create that gradient effect. I was lying on the bed with my eyes closed for every picture. Just in case, I also took a few extra videos and pictures. Nothing fell on me, I was safe, and I'm fine. I'm going to edit it completely the next time, I should also have come up with a well-thought-out plan for how I'm going to tackle this project and the certain issue I'm facing. Given that the set is changed, I might even need to alter part of the whole plot. Currently, I’m still panicking, and I don’t want to deal with this at all. I should give up, but I’m not going to. Sadly. Stay tuned for my next blog where I’ll unravel whether I’m still panicking about this music video. Trust me; you won't want to miss it.


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