Procrastination Management 101

Welcome back guys, I really want to get everything ready and organized for the days I'm recording first because previously, I procrastinated. I want to insert something into one of the scenes. Specifically, I would like the scenes of Michael and Emily together to flash before his eyes as he watches Emily walk away which would then lead to the credit scene. The scene will have to be somewhat short because, in theory, there will be thirteen scenes, including the credit scene, within a duration ranging from one minute and ten seconds to one minute and fifteen seconds. So, each scene should last for five or six seconds. I want to divide the scene's filming over three days to make things more structured. Scenes 1-4 will be shot on the first day of the filming. For each scene, I plan to film in the afternoon and at night. I will have to film both at night and in the morning for scene 4. The members of the cast will be Michael, Emily, and a few background characters. Scenes 5-8 will be shot on day two of the production. In the afternoon, I'm going to film as well. Scenes 9-12 will be shot on Day 3 of the production. I'm going to film in the afternoon, as I always do. The members of the cast will be Michael, Emily, and a few supporting characters. I will use my phone or someone else's to record on all the days I am filming. Prior to the shoot, I will prepare a list of the kinds of shots I hope to get. I want the video clips to be edited in a bright yet moody way, with jump cuts likely making up the majority of the transitions. I’m hoping they'll allow us to film in the hotel and library. I need some new props because my idea isn't the same as the original. I need some clothes, a phone, a suitcase, books, and a bag. Stay tuned for my next blog where I’ll unravel even more mysteries about making a music video. Trust me; you won't want to miss it.


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