Behind the Scenes

Welcome back guys, I finally arrived at the hotel and I’m in Boston. It’s super cold and I had to wear so many layers, but I can’t wait to have fun. On this trip I’m going to be busy with the actual competition, whenever I’m free, I’ll try to film. But what I did do today was exploring the hotel. I was looking for spots to film, and do my project in. I narrowed it down to my hotel room, and empty room and outside of the hotel. I also recruited all of my cast members, but I had to convince them by getting them McDonald. And I left it at that. Over the next few days, I will be filming most of the scenes. According to my schedule, I broke it up among the days so day 1, will be scenes 1-5. On day 2 after I get back, I will film scenes 9-20. And on day 3 I will be filming the rest of the scenes. Also, I will be filming these during the late afternoon, so around nighttime. I organized my equipment in the concert of the room so that it wasn’t lost or anything. It also served as a reminder to remember to film the project. Some of the suits I brought the the trip also severed as a costume for one of the characters, so that was helpful. There is a good amount of parent chaperones on the trips, so we will be safe. And I will ask some of them to help with my filming. But if can’t help it’s fine since I have another one of my friends who also filming her project there. I hope I can’t get this project done. Stay tuned for my next blog where I’ll unravel even more mysteries about making an opening scenes video. Trust me; you won't want to miss it.


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