Takeoff and Take One

Welcome back guys, it’s been some time since I’ve last blogged. I’ve been busy with homework, test, school, and just life overall. But I was able to film a part of my project. It was scenes 6, 7, and 8, they were the scenes about the bad guy making his weapons, the syringes. So, beforehand I got the costumes, and props, the hat, magnifying glass, book, newspaper, and some more. I also got some chemistry equipment type props for the scenes, so I was already to go for filming. I set up the area, clean it, and place the props on top of the table, but I thought it was a bad idea, so I scraped it. I put on the costume, which was a black coat, with some black clothing. Also, I made it a little bit dark to add some obscurity to the scenes. Basically, for scene 6, I set the camera behind me, so that it could see me. For scene 7, I zoom in the equipment and followed it as the liquid went through the things. After I pulled out two syringes. For scene 8, I decided to just hand myself the other syringe and pretend like there was another person. So, I zoom in the hands, and I place one of the syringes into my other hand. When I was done, I cleaned up. And basically, that’s what I filmed so far. Soon I will be going to a trip, and I can’t wait to go. I will be filming the rest of my project there, and have my friends help me out. I hope to have everything done by the time I get back. Stay tuned for my next blog where I’ll unravel even more mysteries about making an opening scenes video. Trust me; you won't want to miss it.


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