The End of Plans

Welcome back guys, this should be the last of the planning. The props, costumes, and set are the topics for today. So, for the prop, I have I have mostly I just need to get the chemistry set and some other stuff. But if I'm not able to get these in time I'll just find some other will to make them. Or find a way to exclude them from the script. The costume is still the same it's just the hat, suit, cloak, mask and gloves. I haven’t thought of the costume for the victim, but it’s going to be something simple. I talked to my friend who also didn’t film her project, and we agreed that we could met up at a park to help each other. I might also ask some more of my friends and see what they say. So, currently the set is going to be the park, and the library. But we just said at a park or something. So, I would need to verify an exact location, and research the buildings around it. In terms of the equipment, I’ll have my phone, tripod, and a portable battery. For the cast it will be Detective James- Me, Victim- my friend, Masked Man- Me, and Narrator- Me. We also don’t know when we’re going to do this. We just said that we are. But I hope that we’ll be able to finish filming the before March 5, because I want to start editing by then. We will also have supervision to make sure that we are safe. Honestly, I wish that I had planned this way better, but this is what I can do now. Stay tuned for my next blog where I’ll unravel even more mysteries about making an opening scenes video. Trust me; you won't want to miss it.


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